
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

We Be Busy Busy Busy

The last few weeks have flown by! I feel like I have lots to share, but not much time to sit down and write it out, or go through the pictures to show it.  So here's a recap, because (lets be real), I won't get to posting about each of these individually...
Our garden is growing!  Mainly the squash patch.  We've got hubbards, pumpkins, acorn & spaghetti squash. Something happened to the two zucchini plants and they stopped producing a couple weeks ago.  I don't mind not having to think of a different way to eat them every other night, but I really don't want to have to buy them at the grocery store.  Tomatoes are ripening quickly, I'm sure I'll be getting my canner out soon.  Beets & carrots are making their way onto our dinner plates, we have a steady supply of cucumbers, and I don't think the beans are too far behind.
Tucker also enjoys munching on fresh veggies, and looking cute (as always).
I co-hosted a bachelorette party for Becky, (my cousin's beautiful bride as of this past weekend), at the end of July.
A great group of gals spent the weekend at Lake Chelan, we went wine tasting, and of course there were lots of hand-made details to tie into my nautical theme.
Lindsay & Casey came to visit for a couple days.  We did some boating (Casey learned to wake surf!), and we watched the Summer Olympics like they only happen every four years.
We went on an excursion to Cashmere to get out of the house and break in a new camera that Cory surprised me with.  Hello, full frame :) I love you!
I chopped off 12 inches of hair for Locks of Love.  This is my third time donating, and it feels so good to have it all gone and know that it's going to a good cause.
Cory got the ol' Monte Carlo out of the barn out back, cleaned it up, licensed & insured it, and we showed up at Becky & Aaron's wedding rehearsal in it.  It's been kind of fun to cruise around in.
Even more impressive, is the car Cory's Grandpa showed up driving at the shop...a 1929 Franklin.  Seriously, this guy doesn't mess around!  He's 91 years old, and he tinkered with an 83 year old car long enough to get it running.
Then of course, there was Aaron & Becky's wedding.  It took place in the middle of an apple orchard, and it was gorgeous...and 102 degrees!  I wasn't really able to lug around a bouquet and a camera, so I left the picture taking to the professionals, and they did a mighty fine job!

I keep thinking things will slow down after [insert name of event here], but the calendar just keeps filling itself up...which is a good thing!  I just feel like I've been running on empty for several weeks now, and I need a breather.  Oh, and it's been hot.  Really, really hot.  I think what I really need is a break from the heat, like 10-15 degrees would be great!

I'll quit with my complaining now- I have dinner to make, ice cream to churn, laundry to fold, and the dog wants to play...

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